Italicized items are projects that will be prioritized in determining the expenditure of additional funds received through the state matching grant and bond premiums.
Prioritize Safety and Security
Safety and security upgrades at all schools
Cameras on all school buses
Seismic and roofing upgrades
Playground upgrades
Parent/bus drop-off improvements
Upgrading of new gymnasiums to "immediate occupancy" seismic standard
Renovate and Repair Aging Schools
HVAC, plumbing and electrical upgrades
Significant remodeling at Hillsboro High School and Reedville Elementary School
Replacement of 15 temporary portable classrooms in the poorest condition
Installation of lighted turf fields at Century, Glencoe, and Hillsboro High Schools
Replacement of pavement, sidewalks, other hardscapes
Replacement of single pane windows
Replacement of additional portable classrooms with permanent structures
Replacement/resurfacing of tennis courts
Relieve Crowded Classrooms, Plan for Growth
Construction of separate gymnasiums at elementary schools that currently share gym and cafeteria space
Expansion of Evergreen Middle School and Glencoe High School
Construction of one new elementary school in North Plains, one new elementary school in South Hillsboro, and replacement of Brookwood Elementary School
Satellite transportation/maintenance facility
Provide a Modern Education for Every Student
Student and teacher technology
Expansion of career-technical education (CTE) spaces at all high schools
Flexible classroom furniture
Wise Use of Taxpayer Dollars
Installation of a fiber optic ring around the District, allowing Internet self-sufficiency and additional bandwidth - Return on Investment in 5-7 years