October 11, 2018, Hillsboro, OR - Glencoe Student Government is proud to announce a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the high school’s new lighted turf field on Monday, October 15, 2018, at 9:45 a.m.
Made possible by the passage of the District’s 2017 Bond and a generous donation of $300,000 from the Hillsboro Hops Community Fund, Glencoe’s lighted turf field will be home to junior varsity and varsity softball games, youth baseball and softball games, and lacrosse matches; and it will provide a practice area for football, soccer, band, dance team, and other athletic and activity groups, in addition to being a valuable resource for the broader Glencoe community.
Alumni, community members, and media are welcome and invited to attend the ceremony.
What: Ribbon-cutting ceremony for Glencoe’s lighted turf field
Where: Glencoe High School, 2700 NW Glencoe Rd., Hillsboro 97124
Please park in student lot
When: Monday, October 15, 2018, 9:45 a.m.
- Glencoe Band performance (pre-event)
- National Anthem - Band / Casey Crane, Conductor
- Opening Remarks - Principal Claudia Ruf
- Board Member Remarks - Kim Strelchun
- Student Speakers
- Ben Richards, ASB President
- Pierce Flynn, Marching Tide
- Zach Cox, Football
- Morgan DeBord, Softball
- Ribbon-cutting (at approximately 10:10 a.m.)
- Light Refreshments
- Media availability with speakers and special guests (Glencoe student speakers, Principal Claudia Ruf, Superintendent Mike Scott, Hillsboro Hops representatives, etc.)
RSVP: Media are asked to RSVP to Chief Communications Officer Beth Graser at graserbe@hsd.k12.or.us or 503-844-1772.
- Bond
- Glencoe