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Previous Bond - 2006

In November 2006, Hillsboro School District voters approved the sale of $169 million in bonds to “finance capital construction and improvements, including providing funds to build and furnish new schools, add classroom space, expand, upgrade and renovate existing schools and facilities, acquire land for facilities and pay bond costs.” Specifically, the bond authorized the expenditure of bond proceeds and interest for the following:

  • Construct and furnish four new elementary schools
  • Construct and furnish a new middle school
  • Replace roofs, heating, ventilation, lighting and plumbing systems and make other safety, seismic and security improvements
  • Add classroom space at Brown Evergreen and Poynter Middle Schools
  • Renovate and upgrade classrooms and technology access
  • Purchase land for school facilities
  • Pay associated bond issuance and building costs 

The total amount spent on these projects included $169 million in bond proceeds and an additional $13.7 million in interest, which was earned between the time the bonds were sold and all projects were complete, bringing the total amount spent to $182.7 million.

Click here to see a consolidated list of all projects.